RCVS Knowledge - Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine
Knowledge Sessions

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
How can we express evidence in a way that means people will engage with it and understand it? How do team dynamics and individual context influence whether evidence is used appropriately and fully? What can we learn from the experience in human medicine?
These questions and more are explored in this roundtable discussion featuring:
Trish Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Dr Zoe Belshaw, internal medicine specialist, Centre for Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nottingham/PDSA
Dr Louise Buckley, RVN and Lecturer, University of Edinburgh/Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Laura Playforth, Veterinary Surgeon, Vice-Chair of RCVS Knowledge Quality Improvement Advisory Board and Professional Standards Director at Vets Now
Adewole Adekola and Imogen Schofield: Veterinary Surgeons and PhD students at the Royal Veterinary College
Download the transcript from the RCVS Knowledge website.
The Knowledge Sessions bring together specialists from across the industry to examine the landscape, propose potential approaches to complex problems, and provide practical advice on a range of subjects.

Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Lizzie Lockett, CEO of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, provides a personal take on quality improvement, why it's important for all people working in a practice to be alive to change, and RCVS initiatives that support the adoption of quality improvement.
Download the transcript and find free quality improvement resources on the RCVS Knowledge website.
The Knowledge Sessions is a series that brings together specialists from across the veterinary industry to examine the landscape, propose potential approaches to complex problems, and provide practical advice on a range of subjects.
CPD: 30 mins

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Rachel Dean of VetPartners and Ulrika Gronlund of AniCura share views and experiences of the clinical benefits of corporatisation - capturing and sharing data and knowledge at scale, quality improvement approaches, benefits for the animal owner, and more.
Download the transcript from the RCVS Knowledge website.
This podcast is part of the Knowledge Sessions, a resource that brings together specialists from across the veterinary industry to examine the landscape, propose potential approaches to complex problems, and provide practical advice on a range of subjects.
CPD: 45 mins

Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Checklists have been used in aviation and human medicine for decades, given their proven power to reduce avoidable errors and significant events.
Amanda Boag (Clinical Director at Vets Now, RCVS Knowledge Trustee and Vice-President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) discusses the state of play with checklists in the veterinary industry, why checklists are liberating rather than constraining, and how a simple piece of paper can save lives.
Download the full transcript, the accompanying presentation and RCVS Knowledge's new Surgical Safety Checklist Manual from the RCVS Knowledge website.
This podcast is part of the Knowledge Sessions, a resource that brings together specialists from across the veterinary industry to examine the landscape, propose potential approaches to complex problems, and provide practical advice on a range of subjects.

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Doing research as a veterinary practitioner is easier and more rewarding than you think. But what kind of research can you do? What are the benefits of doing research in practice, and what skills and resources do you need? Where do you get started, and what kind of impact can you make?
Dr Marnie Brennan, Dr Zoe Belshaw and Hannah Doit from the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine provide an approachable step-by-step guide, with tips on making research in practice useful and fulfilling, and some inspiring examples.
Download the full transcript and the references from the RCVS Knowledge website.
This podcast is part of the Knowledge Sessions, a resource that brings together specialists from across the veterinary industry to examine the landscape, propose potential approaches to complex problems, and provide practical advice on a range of subjects.

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
This roundtable discussion looks at the controversial area of patient values and ethics in evidence-based veterinary medicine. What are patient values and do they matter? How does animal sentience affect the notion of informed consent? Who should have the final say in potential treatment?
Peter Cockcroft, Editor-in-chief of Veterinary Evidence, chairs this fascinating and wide-ranging podcast recorded last year featuring experts in the field: Carol Gray, David Mills, Siobhan Mullan, Francoise Wemelsfelder and James Yeates.
Download the full transcript.
This podcast is part of the Knowledge Sessions, a resource that brings together specialists from across the veterinary industry to examine the landscape, propose potential approaches to complex problems, and provide practical advice on a range of subjects.

Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
For World Antibiotic Awareness Week, UK Chief Vet Christine Middlemiss chairs a roundtable discussion on challenges presented by antimicrobial resistance and ways to tackle it, with guests Ian Battersby (Davies Veterinary Specialists/Mission Rabies), Steve Howard (PDSA), Kristen Reyher (Bristol Veterinary School) and David Singleton (Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network).
This podcast is the first of 'The Knowledge Sessions', a series of discussions with leading experts on hot topics in evidence-based veterinary medicine.
Download the full transcript from the RCVS Knowledge website.